Relationship Not Religion

What does it mean to have a personal relationship with the Lord?


Psalm 73:23-26 23 Nevertheless, I am continually with you. You have held my right hand. 24 You will guide me with your counsel, and afterward receive me to glory. 25 Whom do I have in heaven? There is no one on earth whom I desire besides you. 26 My flesh and my heart fails, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.


23 Nevertheless, I am continually with you. You have held my right hand.

How does the writer view God in verse 23?

24 You will guide me with your counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.

What does guiding imply in terms of communication?

25 Whom do I have in heaven? There is no one on earth whom I desire besides you.

According to verse 25, does the writer see himself in a close relationship with the Lord?

26 My flesh and my heart fails, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

What is the writers source of strength, help, and comfort in verse 26?

A personal relationship with Jesus Christ means we can...

  1. Walk with Him and live life with Him (v.23)
  2. Talk to the Lord through prayer and hear Him through His Word (v.24)
  3. Grow in our love for Him as we increase in our knowledge and understanding of Him (v.25)
  4. Go to Him for help and have Him strengthen us in difficult times (v.26)


  1. What are some ways that you can feel the presence of Jesus in your daily life?
  2. How can you lean on Jesus in your life through difficult times?
  3. What does it mean to you for the God of the Universe to love you deeply and want to have a personal relationship with you?
  4. How should we respond to such love?


  1. For learning more about what it means to have a personal relationship with God:
  2. For learning more about how Christianity is more of a relationship than a religion:

Final Thoughts

It is a relationship, not a religion. Christianity is called a religion but it is really a relationship with God who created us, loves us, and restored us in relationship with Him through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross.

"Christianity is not a religion or philosophy, but a relationship and a lifestyle. The core of that lifestyle is thinking of others as Jesus did, instead of ourselves."

— Rick Warren